What is an Orangery?
Orangeries are structures comprising of a flat roof perimeter with a glazed lantern in the centre, flooding the interior with light. The flat roof perimeter is highly insulated and can incorporate lighting and speakers, it also provides shade from high levels of sunlight, which can often be oppressive in a south facing conservatory.
A major advantage of orangeries is that the flat roof area ensures that the glazed roof area does not intrude on any upstairs windows and also gives easy access to clean and maintain such windows as well as the lantern roof itself. These structures can also be designed to incorporate many traditional and classical features.

History of the Orangery
Records date back to the early 16th century of unheated glass houses in Italy and Northern Europe designed to house tender tropical plants during cold spells.
These structures were often free standing and south facing to maximize the suns rays. Exotic plants and fruits were a reflection of wealth and so the fashion came over to Britain in the 17th century.
Many stately homes still have these original structures, although due to the severity of the English winter they were predominately heated.
Orangery Uses
Traditionally these structures were designed to protect and grow exotic fruits and plants. Using modern materials and construction techniques we can now design these structures with other uses in mind.
You may decide that you want a tropical glass house full of exotic plants full of colour and scent the whole year round or you may decide that you need a dining room or kitchen extension flooded with light and a warm inviting atmosphere. On the other hand you may want to generate a quiet place to work or study with just relaxing background music, the possibilities are as wide as your imagination!
Orangery Features
Orangery features such as fully automatic roof vents allow ventilation on warm days, while under tile heating can provide even temperatures throughout the structure. As heat rises a ceiling fan will drive the warmth back down mixing all the air in the room to provide an even temperature and can also provide a cooling breeze in very warm weather.
All our suppliers are vetted for quality and reliability and are constantly monitored. Our research and development department are always on the look out worldwide for new components that are able to provide fuel efficiency as well as providing the necessary aspects for cooling the structure in the full heat of summer. Self cleaning glass and high efficiency glass have now become very popular orangery features as well as several colours of tinted glass for effect and shading.
Why Choose an Orangery
An Orangery offers more flexibility of design and use when compared to the traditional conservatory. Their design can often compliment the existing features of a property therefore in some cases is more acceptable to the planning authorities.
Choose Strata, choose peace of mind!
You will be seeking complete peace of mind during the installation process and our smooth and practiced working methods are designed to provide that. Our aim is to anticipate your needs along the way and ensure you are happy and informed at every stage.
Our Orangeries, Conservatories and Garden rooms are so well designed they are erected with surprising speed and little fuss. We ensure all areas of your home are carefully protected as required, and keep the installation area clean and tidy.
Our customers frequently congratulate us on our ever-polite and respectful site staff. Good customer service has been critical to our growth as a business. We carry out “spot check” customer perception surveys with our customers not just upon completion of a project but throughout the process too. We seek to harness our customers’ feedback at every step of the way and are always on the lookout for better and better ways to look after our customers.
Much of our reputation has been built on customer recommendations and referrals. We encourage our prospective customers to take advantage of two important suggestions: the first is to visit us at factory; the second is that we arrange a viewing of one of our completed conservatories. We believe you can instantly “feel” what sort of company we are when you visit, and that you will sense our commitment to quality and to our customers: come and see for yourself!
Commissioning a Orangery or Conservatory is a big decision and one to be made with due care. We believe that an important part of your decision-making process should be to visit an existing customer and receive a personal testimonial as to the quality of service we have provided them, along with seeing one of our beautiful installations “in the flesh”. Our customers are exceptionally generous in their willingness to show prospective customers around. We encourage them to talk openly with you about working with us; we know that you will receive all the reassurance you need from hearing about their experiences first hand.